Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

Writing Essay


Toefl or test English as a foreign language is a test to know how the students comprehend about English. In environmental of English education department, toefl is one of element for graduation. Therefore, all of the students must be comprehend about toefl. As a result, the students can be appreciated the toefl preparation that is increase learning motivation by teaching technique, particularly in group presentation and individual learning.
First of all, Influence of  learning motivation depending on how the teacher to chosen a group presentation by using buzz group. It helps if teacher given the students a chance to learning motivation. For example, split two or three person on a group are the technique for students to be easy for presentation by all the member of the group presented the skill that students has been discussed before. Next, the teacher chosen other students to answer the questions by split the teacher will be ask to the students who is understand about material. In addition to learning motivation, every skill on toefl preparation has exercise, toefl, toefl exercise, and toefl review exercise which is the students can discussing with friend to comprehend the material to study.
Although buzz group of toefl preparation is the teaching technique that influence of learning motivation, it is not only one teaching technique that was applied with students. Chosen other student to answer the questions are another technique of toefl preparation. Also, toefl preparation in learning motivation made the students study hard and active in the class. Especially in the skill of toefl preparation, such as exercise, toefl exercise, and toefl review exercise.
In addition to buzz group and asking question to other students, the teaching techniques depend on how the students get motivation to study by individual learner are talk about extrinsic motivation, which is come from outside the learner and may, for example, be related to a need pass an exam, or the desire to elicit praise from the teacher, or because the learner has a forthcoming trip where the foreign language would be an advantage. Furthermore, students get learning motivation by intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from the task itself and exists because the learner has a drive to learn. For example students motivate itself to be get a best grade on presentation, or get a best grade from other students.
Finally, it is may helping the students learning motivation that toefl preparation are also be effected by learning experience. Learning experience is who are the students had been studied at senior high school that can easier to the students to understand about toefl preparation. This is exactly what happened. As a result the studied on the past can be helped the students motivation to the next learning motivation.
In conclusion, most teacher can motivate their students. It is after all, one of the things students are supposed to be able to do, and when, for example, teacher asked the students to comprehend the material of toefl preparation before start to study, and students can study hard before presentation by friends or senior.

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